Swedish chocolate balls are called “chokladbollar” in Swedish. However, up until 2006 it was called “negerboll” (“negro ball”) and during the early 2000 many people were upset that the pastry should not be called the offensive name anymore (and for sure there are still people that stick to the old negerboll).
Regardless of the name, it is a really easy and fast recipe that you can make ahead of time. The 11th of May is the “Chokladbollens dag” in Sweden (the day of the chocolate ball). However, all days are perfect for eating one of these chocolate balls đ
Here you can find this recipe in swedish.

Recipe: No-bake Swedish chocolate balls (chokladbollar)
- 100 g butter softened but not melted
- 100 ml sugar 100 g
- 3 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp vanilla sugar
- 400 ml rolled oats 150 g
- 2 tbsp liquid choose between: coffee, water, cream, milk, chocolate, rum, cointreau, orange juice, etc
- shredded coconut
- Just put everything (except shredded coconut) in a bowl and mix together evenly. The most classical version uses coffe as the liquid.
- Roll the balls in the size of meatballs, then this recipe should be able to yield 20-30 chocolate balls
- Roll each in the shredded coconut
- You can eat them right away, but they are usually better when cold and a little firmer so place them in the fridge (or the freezer if you are in a hurry)
Check out some of our other sweet recipes and more Swedish recipes from IngredientMatcher here
No it had called chocolateball since the 80s or earlyer and people upset of the word niggaballs since that. those stupid didnt put the word “chocolateball” on the wordlist since 2006 (to late).
I would like to know what this commenter is saying, but their English is incomprehensible.
I think it says, “no, they were called ‘chocolateball’ since the 80’s or earlier. They were called ‘niggaballs’ before then, but people got upset. Those who were stupid(?) didn’t put the word ‘chocolateball’ in the dictionary(?) before 2006. Which was too late(?).”
Anyway, I like the word ‘chokladbollar’.
People started to call them “chokladbollar” (chocolate balls) already in the 80’s but I am pretty sure the majority still called them “negerbollar” (nigger balls) until the end of the 20th century. The Swedish dictionary kept the word “negerbollar” all the way until 2006 when it finally was replaced with “chokladbollar”. It is difficult to say when the shift actually happened since it was a gradual transformation of what people called them. In the 80’s is probably when some people started to be upset about the name but the majority didn’t care, in the beginning of the 21st century I think that the majority had shifted to not want to call them “negerbollar” anymore. However, there are still plenty of people who are upset with changing the name and want to keep the original name. As an example there is a facebook group with 20 000 followers who support the old name.
Thank you for providing an explanation.
This fascinates me, because we have ‘negerzoenen’ in the Netherlands, which means ‘nigger kisses’. Around 2005 the producer, named Buy’s, changed it’s name to just ‘zoenen’. I’m not sure whether the majority cares or a minority is really vocal about it. The minority tends to have bad spelling, expresses wishes to hold onto grandfathered names, but is very selective in that wish and there’s a Facebook page with a following of around 2k. The public arguing about Black Pete is more actual.
Back on the subject of chokladbollar, I can’t wait to try this out.
Not “nigger kisses” but “negro kisses”.
Not “nigger balls” but “negro balls”.
The word “nigger” has a negative connotation, the word “negro” just means “black” and is used for people with dark skin.
There is no negative connotation, neither direct nor implied, in the word “negerbollar”. The same can be said for the Dutch word “Jodenkoeken” which translates to “jew cookies”. These are still called “Jodenkoeken” as far as I know,
As an older Swedish woman I grew up with â neger bollarâ( negro balls), now called âchocklad bollarâ
( chocolate balls) and there was absolutely NO negativity about that at all,black people were
â negrerâ ( negros). In Spanish for example â negroâ means black,so I really do not understand all the fuss about using the word â negerâ( negro),but now obviously has become some sort of an insulting word.
Anyways,enjoy your negro,black or chocolate balls, they are delicious
PS This recipe is the â rightâ one I remember from my childhood , I always use coffee as the liquid
Negro yes, not nigger, which cannot be translated as it us a specific term to the English language. However use of the word negro is in English is now dated and would be considered offensive. It does have older slavery / plantation related connotations. So The word black is the one to use. Therefore I guess black balls / svartbollar or black and white bballâs / svarta och vita bollar (they do have coconut or sugar on them after all!) might be more appropriate. As very few countries in Europe had to deal with post colonialusation / empire racial and ethnic tension some of this might not seem obvious.
the reason why sweden is in the toilet as a country now is because people worry about whether deserts have offensive names or not.
I don’t care what the balls are called. all i want to know is if this a good version of this recipe or not.
i just want to know if these measurements are all by volume or 8f some are by weight, and if so, which ingredient is measured which way. thanks.