“Raggmunk med fläsk” is one of the most common Swedish meals, often served at lunch restaurants and for dinner at home. The potato pancake is basically grated potatoes mixed with pancake batter and there are many similar variants in other countries, e.g. latkes, draniki, etc. Have a look at the pinterest collection with potato pancakes from around the world for more alternatives to raggmunk. Even in Sweden there are different variations like “Lufsa” or “Råriven pannkaka” that is made in the oven, and “Potatisplättar” that is made out of boiled potatoes instead of raw. “Rårakor” is another similar dish, but it only has grated raw potatoes as ingredients.
Here you can find this recipe in swedish.

Swedish potato pancakes with fried pork (raggmunk med fläsk)
- 800 g potatoes
- 200 ml flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 200 ml milk
- 1 egg
- 500 g salted pork belly in slices rimmat sidfläsk/stekfläsk
- Turn on the oven to keep the pork warm (or use any preferred method)
- Peel the potatoes
- In a big bowl, whisk together flour, salt, milk and egg
- Grate the potatoes so it ends up directly in the bowl with the batter
- Fry the pork on both sides and then keep it warm while the potatoe pancakes are fried
- Heat up some butter in the same pan and pour maximum one ladle to the middle of the pan. Even out the pancake with the ladle and fry until golden, turn and fry other side also until golden
- Once the potato pancakes are done, then serve with pork and lingonberry jam or raw-stirred lingonberries
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